Mal Brough the Liar

Posted on September 8, 2013


I’ve spent some time living in the Northern Territory, working in the media with Aboriginal people. They meet leaders and travel around the Northern Territory every day, in close contact with what’s happening on the ground. One of them alerted me to Mal Brough lying again on election night.

“Mal made the statement during a live-cross when it was clear he was out in front, either ch 7 or ch 9 … as for Mal Brough regarding economic developments on Tiwi Islands there is none … a round circle, a complete zero! He told a complete lie on Television last night, stating there are operating businesses on the Islands. Just a load of falsification … The only private business enterprise operating there, is an area leased by a white guy, he runs a fishing tour … for tourists.

“There is none, there are many opportunities talked about, that’s the extent of it, it’s just talk … they got jobs, these jobs are the same council type jobs under similar program to the CDEP.

“The forest is not producing … Tiwi’s wanting millions to fix their wharf … then they’re hoping they’ll attract buyers for the timber … experts say timbers are suitable for chips only … under 10 million dollars to maintain the forest from disease and branch growth. This is not happening since Southern left.”

During the live-cross on election night, this is what Mal Brough said at 4:08:

“Mate have a look at the Tiwi Islands. They took on the 99 year leases, they were brave people, they’ve now got houses, they’ve got jobs, they’ve got businesses. They wrote to me two weeks ago to say, ‘you wouldn’t recognise our community’ and to me that’s what politics is about. If we get back any role in development, developing the North, giving job opportunities and certainly helping our Aboriginal fellow Australians will be high priorities for me, as a backbencher or any role. It should be what we all aspire to.”

Mal Brough to claim victory in Fisher

In that piece they joke about him becoming the Minister for Indigenous Affairs. With his track record, a lot of Aboriginal people are hoping he doesn’t:

I guess Mal Brough can say what he likes about the Tiwi Islands because most of us have no idea what he’s talking about. Here is some history of Mal Brough and the Tiwi Islands:

This is the Tiwi Petition signed by 500 Tiwi adults in 2006, including a request from 100 Tiwi women to stop clearning Tiwi land/forests:

Brough caused huge damage to the Tiwi Islands. His government gave tax credits for land clearing.

The Tiwi Land Council was run by a white CEO John Hicks:

“The Aboriginal former deputy chief minister and member for the NT seat covering the Tiwi Islands Marion Scrymgour said lease agreements and government investments had failed to provide the expected benefit. “Unfortunately, there haven’t been any industries that have been sustainable over there,” she said.”

Brough has lied on camera before about the Ashby case – he doesn’t have a problem with lying on camera. Does Mal Brough ever tell the truth? He still gets voted back in.

Brough Denies Knowing About Ashby Court Case in 2012

There are two videos in this playlist about Brough being deceitful. Click on it:

Clive Palmer on ABC Lateline with Emma Alberici on 27/08/13

Clive Palmer to sue Mal Brough for Ashbygate ‘lies’

“Mr Palmer said he was taking legal action against Mr Brough because the Fisher candidate was “a liar”.”

For more information about Brough’s role in Ashbygate:

Malcolm Farr saw Mal Brough’s character at a cricket match back in 2001:

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